Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Make Money Online With Niche Marketing

Niche marketing is one of the most powerful marketing forms existent on the internet today. To be able to take advantage of it, it is important to understand what niche marketing is.

Niche is nothing but people who are interested in the same thing. Some may be interested in Golf while some others in Fly-fishing. Here Golf and Fly-fishing are niches. Niche marketing is a conception of getting involved in an area of marketing that interests you and making money from it. It also means targeting and attracting those groups of people that belong to your niche and making money selling them products. The idea is to find a niche that isn’t too populated. It takes a great deal of research to be able to find the market that has a lot of demand and yet less competition.

Finding a niche
First thing that needs to be done is finding a product. Before deciding upon a product or service that interests you, a ton of research needs to be done. There are so many niches on the internet, that it is certainly no mean task to find a good niche. So, picking a niche with little competition is the hardest part, but once you find it, things get easier.

Keyword research
After finding a niche, you will have to do some research and come up with keywords for that niche. There are several tools that suggest good keywords and keyword phrases. Not only the keywords, they also give you the number of searches made for that keyword and also the competition. Suppose your niche is “Golf”. Type in Golf in the keyword column and these tools will bring back several keywords for Golf, like “Golf Balls” and “Golf clubs” etc. Choose what exactly you are going to target. Never target a wide niche like Golf, always target sub niches like “Golf Balls”. Look for keywords that are in demand and have less competition. The reason for not wanting to target wide niches is because of the heavy competition and if you are new, you may not even stand a chance against the big wigs up there. Anyway, why would you want to take the difficult route when there is an easy way out?

Keyword rich domain
Once you settle on the niche, next step is to check if there is a keyword rich domain name available. Many people don’t think this is important, but having a domain with your keywords helps in the search engine ranking, thus sending heavy traffic your way, resulting in more sales, and finally our goal of more money.

Content site creation
You will then need to tackle this ‘Golf balls’ niche you have chosen. You will have to have a website. Nowadays, with all the free templates out there, creating a website is no big deal. But if you must, outsource the creation of website. Once the website is ready, since niche marketing is based on content, you will have to add content to your site. Write or outsource the work, but have at least ten articles written on the niche. Use the keywords in the articles.

Next comes the monetization of your website.

Monetization of the website
There are several ways this can be done. You can take the adsense route, go with the affiliate products, use PLR products, or create your own product.

Adsense: You can add adsense blobs to your website and earn a little money, but the money adsense brings in isn’t really much and not worth it in my opinion, if you are looking at the bigger picture.

Affiliate products: Having affiliate products related to your niche on your website is a great way of making money. Go to Clickbank and you will find many products. Look for the ones related to Golf balls, either Golf ball sets or ebooks on the latest golf balls or old ones. I suggest ebooks as they sell better, being digital in nature. Check for the products that are popular and pay at least 50% commission. Try and get more than two products and have them on your website. Another option is to buy PLR products and sell them on your website. You don’t have to write your own ebooks. Having said that, although it is not essential, there is nothing that can match your own product.

Submitting the website
Although, this point does not need to be mentioned, you need to submit your website to the search engines once it is ready.

Website promotion
The crucial thing to any marketing is advertising. Having the greatest site on earth is not going to help one bit, if there is no promotional plan. How will people know that your site even exists or that you have this product up for sale?

There are several methods of advertising. This in itself is another topic for research. There is Adwords or article marketing, and many other ways. If you have no experience with Adwords, stay away from it in the beginning until you learn the pros and cons of Adwords, and until after you have made some money on your website using free methods like article marketing. You need to spend money for Adwords and if you are not experienced, you may end up losing a lot of money. You wouldn’t want that in the beginning.

Write articles and submit them to article directories, like ezine articles and go articles, and make sure you give a link back to your website in the bio box of your article. Submit at least one per week. This way you will have many articles rotating and this increases the chance of attracting more traffic.

You can also join forums and make sensible posts with your link in the signature line. Don’t do blatant advertising in the forums, that will only attract negativity and some forums may even ban you. The main thing about forums is building trust and in the long run this form of advertising works wonders.

This is all there is to the ‘niche marketing’ giant that has been making the rounds on the internet, with its tentacles spread in all corners and scaring the people that don’t know anything about it. Now it is time for you to tackle it. Go on and make money!